Upperfloor Amsterdam
Privileged men. Thoroughbred sluts.
Upperfloor membership
Priviliged men.Thoroughbred sluts.
We are an (invitation only) group of priviliged men that share a passion for well trained submissive young sluts. We meticulously train our sluts in how our girls should:
Look, Behave, Endure and Serve
All aspects of the "Perfect Slut" are written down in the "Slut Rules".
We periodically meet with (maximum 5) of the Master/members to enjoy and test + rate our sluts in our upper floor parties. With the feedback that the members provide on eachother sluts, all aspects can be further honed to perfection. Special awards and priviliges are awarded to the best performing sluts and their Masters.
Our Master/members are between 40 and 55, while our sluts are typically in their twenties, maybe early thirties. Both our Members as our sluts enjoy this age differerence as an integral part of our D/S relationships. We require our members to be distinguished gentlemen with accomplished careers, financial freedom and the natural dominance that comes with these.
If you would like to be invited, please fill in the form and we will react within 24 hours.